Mon, 15/04/2013 - 08:54
- Blade center with 3 machines xen virtualized with Centos 5.5 (coobd, ide, cooweb).
- Coobd is the database machine (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- Ide is the machine dedicated to GIS tools (OpenGeo Suite, GeoNetwork, GeoServer...). SOS n52 server.
- Cooweb is the web and Java app server machine
- Destinated 3Tb.
- Tape backups with Tivoli and backups to disk to get data quickly.
- Subversion with the code. It is open to read and get the code. It is GNU GPL licensed.
- Acquisition machines:
- EUMETCast receiver machine. Fedora O.S. DVB Board
- Meteo Windows machine with Weather Climatic software, and send the data to CWOP and Meteoclimatic
- Awac Windows Machine with Awac and SeaState Nortek software. Also an own developed software to send text data file to PostgreSQL database. Python code (developed over ipython network) to graphically represents the data.
- Argus backup machine (via rsync).