Current Meter AWAC
AWAC is a current profiler and wave directional system. It provides water speed, module and direction at different depths. AWAC is situated next to the exit of The Olympic Harbour of Barcelona.
This device is being used to interconnect the coastal current effect in gaining/losing sand balance in the beaches.
Turbidimeters are instruments for measuring for measuring the suspended sediment concentration on marine waters. Fluids can contain suspended solid matter consisting of particles of many differents sizes. We have two of them. The first one is 2m depth and the second one is into a metalic structure with the current meter.
Itxasbide ship
Itxasbide ship is useful to determine different parameters on the coastal zone and systematic (monthly) surveys assessing environmental factors. These surveys may be predominately biological, bathymetrical, sedimentological, topographic or hydrographical. Access to data soon. If you are interested now please don't hesitate to contact us coo at listas dot csic dot es.
ITXASBIDE Characteristics
Data Center
- Blade center with 3 machines xen virtualized with Centos 5.5 (coobd, ide, cooweb).
- Coobd is the database machine (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- Ide is the machine dedicated to GIS tools (OpenGeo Suite, GeoNetwork, GeoServer...). SOS n52 server.
- Cooweb is the web and Java app server machine
- Destinated 3Tb.
Satellite Acquisition
In 2008 was installed an EUMETCast receiving system. EUMETSAT’s Broadcast System for Environmental Data, is a multi-service dissemination system based on standard Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) technology. It uses commercial telecommunication geostationary satellites to multicast files (data and products) to a wide user community.