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Satellite data. At first, in order to obtain satellite data, an HRPT (High Resolution Pixel Transmission) antenna was used from 2002 to 2008. Currently (since 2008), it is installed an EUMETCast receiving system. EUMETSAT’s Broadcast System for Environmental Data, is a multi-service dissemination system based on standard Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) technology.  It uses commercial telecommunication geostationary satellites to multicast files (data and products) to a wide user community.

In the last years, a near real-time system has been developed allowing to acquire data, process it until obtaining temperature maps of the Western Mediterranean at its maximum resolution (nadir) of 1.1 km, and publishing them in a web in approximately one hour. Sea Surface Temperature maps, NOAA QuickLooks, temperature from a Spanish network of environmental buoys (i.e. coastal buoys from Puertos del Estado), monthly videos from daily temperature maps, daily temperature maps and netCDF products are generated. Also, there are historical wind data (from 1999) and chlorophyll (1997) until 2006. All these data can be viewed with satellite data displays as SAIDIN and THREDDS.

Near Real Time Data

Sea Surface Temperature maps (AVHRR/NOAA) (Java required)

Quicklooks (AVHRR/NOAA) (Java required)

THREDDS Data Server & Godiva2 (Java required)


Last NOAA image acquired at ICM-CSIC at Barcelona (quicklook):


Historical Data

Wind (QuikSCAT/SeaWinds) (Java required)

Chlorophyll (SeaWiFS/OrbView2): daily | 8 day monthly (Java required) Notes about clorophyll data, by Gabriel Navarro (ICMAN-CSIC)

Mean Temperature (using Maximum Pixel Value - MPV) (Java required)

Mean Temperature (monthly animations) (Java required)

[where d is daytime and n is nightly. There is a .zip file for every year with all monthly .gif. Data format is YYYYMM -n or YYYYMM -d, where Y is year and M is month. D is daytime and N is nightly]

More information about Data Acquisition, Visualization, SAIDIN.. here

Software Engineer: Roger Olivella

Lead Researcher: Òscar Chic

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